Data sgp is the collective set of aggregated student performance measures collected over time that teachers and administrators use to understand student learning. It includes individual-level metrics such as test scores and growth percentiles as well as aggregated measures at the school and district levels including class size, attendance rates, graduation rates and more. This information can help us identify areas for improvement, inform instructional practices, evaluate schools/districts and support broader research initiatives.
In addition to providing teachers and administrators with access to a wide variety of aggregated student performance measures, data sgp also provides users with a number of tools for more detailed analysis of the data. These tools include longitudinal analysis (i.e., analysis of student data over a period of time), graphical representations of student data (such as statistical growth plots or SGPs) and spreadsheet functions for performing more complex data manipulations.
Statistical growth plots (SGP) are visual representations of students’ progress over time, showing how they compare to their academic peers. SGPs are calculated by combining students’ standardized test scores with covariate information using an established “growth standard” derived from their prior testing history. SGPs are more accurate and reliable measurements of student growth than traditional percentile scores.
While SGPs are an important tool for assessing student performance, it is critical that educators are aware of the limitations of this measure and take caution when making comparisons to other students’ results. In particular, the calculation of student growth percentiles can be misleading for students who already possess superior academic abilities. This is because the percentile is based on how well the student performs on a single exam section as compared to students with similar academic histories, so a high score in one subject matter area may not indicate improved performance.
Educators can use the sgpData spreadsheet to conduct more sophisticated analyses of their data and create more meaningful graphs and tables. This spreadsheet is designed to be user-friendly and includes a number of variables that can be used to compare students across classrooms, subjects and grades as well as to account for important variables such as gender and socioeconomic status. Educators can even choose to include or exclude specific student groups from their analyses.