hk prize is an exciting and lucrative writing competition that rewards authors for their work. By following the rules, participants can reap monetary prizes as well as shopping vouchers and F&B benefits at awards ceremonies held around Hong Kong. However, players must be cautious and play only at reputable websites with promotions that increase the chances of winning. They should also read all of the rules thoroughly to avoid being scammed out of money.
This year, finalists include a student who utilized technology to assist homeless individuals as well as an artist who interprets human rights issues into fine art concepts. Organisers hope that the prestigious award will encourage more students to follow their dreams and reach success. They also believe that the prize will be an effective means of promoting science among youth.
The HK Prize is one of Asia’s premier science awards, attracting thousands of applicants each year. Besides a substantial monetary prize, winners gain access to Hong Kong’s premier research facilities and receive international exposure. In addition, the HK Prize also provides an excellent opportunity for scientists to advance their careers in one of Asia’s most vibrant scientific hubs.
This year’s prize finalists have shown that freedom is not dead in Hong Kong. Whether they are fighting for democracy, seeking to provide shelter to the poor, or battling the new national security laws, these activists demonstrate that the human spirit will triumph even under duress. They have the same courage as Hitler critic Carl von Ossietzky, Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov, and Polish politician Lech Walesa, who all won the Nobel Peace Prize before their deaths.
The award’s judging process is conducted by a three-tier structure that involves recommendation committees and selection panels. The final award winner is chosen via a jury consisting of five international personages, including a former U.S. Secretary of State and the Archbishop of Canterbury. The prize is aimed at individuals who have made an extraordinary contribution to humankind, and have contributed to social development and world peace through their efforts and achievements.
Runner-up honours for the best news story went to Post production editor Matt Haldane and reporters Dylan Butts and Xinmei Shen for their October 2023 piece on hurdles Hong Kong faces in becoming a crypto hub. News editor Eric Ng also received merit for his piece in November 2023 on factors that limit the trading volume of Hong Kong’s first voluntary carbon credit market, Core Climate. The HK Prize is sponsored by Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited.